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Our partner banks offer the very best services, offering accounts in a range of currencies. The banks we work with are ideally suited to serving international clients who demand quick and personal service and support.

Banking Intro

Let’s keep it simple

Most of our clients are globally mobile and require advice that matches their lives and allows them to select the tax jurisdiction most relavant to their residence or where they are domilciled. 

We use an integrated banking and investment platform which operates both as a normal banking account where transfers, foreign exchanges and 3rd party external payments can be made, and also operates as a custody platform where you have access to a wide range of global assets including Funds, ETF, Direct Shares, Fixed Interests Securities and Investment Trusts. A provision of a Platinum debit card denominated in either USD GBP or Euros. The portfolio can be denominated in any of 12 different currencies and offers low interest rate loans secured up to 50% against investments held within the platform.

There are no exit panalies and funds can be withdrawn within a couple of days of the request if not from the debit card offered.


Using a simple investment platform to hold your investments means complete transparency, lower charges, full accessibility to your funds and better correlation between published investment performance and your net returns. 

All Simmons Consulting clients benefit from having their investments on this investment concept. 
