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The harder you work at financial planning, the more successful you’re likely to be. Building an investment fund for the future not assigned for pension purposes allows one to create wealth giving greater life choices and greater opportunities.

Saving and Investments


Since the financial crash in 2008 it became very clear to many people how ill-prepared they were for a major downturn in the market, not just the expectation for continued growth but also the state of their financial reserves, some severely damaged taking years to recover. To accelerate the recovery process, you might consider increasing your risk profile even against better judgement. This could be a risky strategy, which can back-fire badly.

Building a contingency fund over a longer period of time will have little effect on your spending power today but can mean the difference between limited choices and opportunity in the future. If you really want to be sure of achieving your goals and ambitions, you have to plan ahead – and commit. 

Investing today has become accessible and highly sophisticated allowing many different options in a myriad of markets and asset classes, they can be highly risky and maybe unnecessary for your purposes, so seek advice.

From experience, for most people it is better to hold simple structures with no fixed terms and low or nil penalties, complex investments should only be for people who fully understand them.  

As we are all different with varying priorities, investment horizons, risk and personal requirements, it’s important to have a professional to help assess your requirements. That’s where we can help. We’ll help you compare a range of savings and investment concepts to find the most suitable one for you. Whether you’re an experienced investor or just getting started, we can guide you to build a portfolio that suits your time frame and risk profile.

Talk to us first. 

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